18 May 2011 Ltr > US Senator Christopher Coons (incl FAQs)

“Inner-City Holocaust and America’s Apartheid ‘Justice’ System” is a book that “Yours Truly” has (except for the final chapter) already written and placed in safe hands. However, the last chapter cannot be written before Fall 2011 because it will record the actions taken, if any, by the recipients of the 5 letters whose texts are posted in this section (the casual reader would best start with the letters to Messrs. Axelrod/Plouffe and to Sen. Chris Coons) =

(1) to President Obama and 20 other US & California governmental officials imploring them AS THEY REFUSED TO DO LAST YEAR to cause Amicus Curiae briefs to be filed on behalf of 10 million inner-city children and thereby REPRESENT THEIR OWN CONSTITUENTS.

(2) to Gwen Ifill and 42 other news-media superstars imploring them AS THEY REFUSED TO DO LAST YEAR to provide the same kind of spotlight on the lawsuits involving the 10 million inner-city children that they routinely provide for, say, David Boies and his Proposition 8 lawsuits.

(3) to 51 inner-city clergy from Los Angeles, San Francisco and Oakland CA providing the latest report on what the report described as “The Segregated Toilet and The Fatal Flush” – the “Segregated Toilet” being the abhorrent practice, even authorized by statute in California, that judges can flush away the rights of minorities in opinions THAT CANNOT BE PUBLISHED OR CITED because the judges know that the opinions are diametrically opposed to the well-settled law enjoyed by first-class American citizens.

(4) to Messrs. David Axelrod and David Plouffe, the Chicago- and Washington-based co-heads of President Obama’s Reelection Campaign providing them a “heads up” on what is “going down” because the aim of “Inner-City Holocaust” is to make the inaction of the 21 governmental officials an issue in any 2012 re-election campaigns in which they are involved – by making “Inner-City Holocaust” available without charge and electronically for ethics classes in law schools and divinity schools, and in undergraduate courses in political science, ethics/philosophy, sociology, etc.

(5) to U.S. Senator Christopher Coons from Delaware, newly elected last November, to provide him a “heads up” on what is “going down” because Senator Coons served with “Yours Truly” in the 1990’s on the national “I Have A Dream”® Board as Secretary and Treasurer, respectively, and it was IHAD- and IHAD-style programs that the $84 billion involved in the lawsuits was designed to provide for the 10-million inner-city children.

“Inner-City Holocaust” has been written In Memory Of John Howard Griffin whose “Black Like Me” half a century ago tried to convince America of its racism.

It is also written in honor of Jonathan Kozol whose award-winning books over the last half century have tried to convince America that it has created a permanent “untouchable” under-caste as a result of its racism – (1) The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America (2005); (2) Ordinary Resurrections: Children in the Years of Hope (2001); (3) Amazing Grace: The Lives of Children and the Conscience of a Nation (1995); (4) Savage Inequalities: Children in America’s Schools (1991); (5) Rachel and Her Children (1988); (6) Illiterate America (1985); (7) The Night is Dark and I Am Far From Home: Political Indictment of US Public Schools (1975); (8) Death at an Early Age (1967)

One might wonder why I am placing myself on the same stage as these two Saints. I’m not. They are on pedestals in my place of worship. Like one of Ghandi’s followers, it is my turn to have my head bashed in since the expected reactions to the prospect of “Inner-City Holocaust” are to try to defame me and to try to explain why the racism of the judges involved, the 21 governmental officials and the 43 news-media super-stars is all my fault rather than theirs.
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18 May 2011 Ltr > US Senator Christopher Coons (incl FAQs)

Post by johnkarls »

Here is a copy of a 5/18/2011 letter to US Senator Christopher Coons. It is entitled -

Re: Your Assistance In Obtaining Amicus Curiae Briefs Urgently Requested
Frequently-Asked Questions

Saboteurs deleted the foregoing document on 2/18/2022 - Here is a restoration -

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Louis Kang and FAQ-2

Post by johnkarls »

The contrast between being a friend of the world’s super-wealthy and being a mere supplicant is illustrated by the case of Louis Kang as described in Q&A-11 of the Short Quiz for the Reading Liberally monthly meeting of 6/15/2011 –

Question 11

Why is the Central Committee of the People’s Republic of China the world’s largest billionaires’ club?

Answer 11

Because when Mao died, the members of the Central Committee decided to become billionaires overnight!!! Like a major-sport draft of college players in the U.S., the members of the PRC Central Committee took turns choosing which state-owned Chinese company to appropriate personally free of charge!!! These companies were then all taken public in London and New York by Louis Kang.

[The remainder of this answer is offered for the sole reason of providing credibility – please skip to Q&A-12 if you’re willing to credit the previous paragraph.]

During this period, Louis Kang and I were close friends because he is also an opera fanatic and we were always bumping into each other at opera performances around the world (we never had any professional dealings).

Born in Hong Kong, Louis “read law” at Oxbridge (in Britain, law is an undergraduate major rather than a professional school requiring a bachelor degree for admission) and became a partner in Clifford Chance and Jones Day though I don’t recall in which order. Obviously, he switched firms in order to maximize his cut of the fees he collected from the PRC Central Committee members. [Large international law firms resemble hotels because they follow the famous Mao saying that “power comes from the gun barrels of CLIENTS!!!” so if your clients will follow you, there are always plenty of “hotels” bidding for your business.]

When all of the Chinese companies had been taken public, Louis became a venture capitalist specializing in raising funds in the West for Chinese start-ups. At that point, I severed relations with Louis.

The reason relates to a point made in FAQ-2 attached to the 5/18/2011 letter to recently-elected U.S. Senator Christopher Coons of Delaware which is posted on http://www.ReadingLiberally-SaltLake.org in the third category = “Possible Topic for Fall 2011.” FAQ-2 was explaining why I didn’t just ask one of my super-wealthy friends for 8 figures for counsel in the lawsuits against the 15 large international financial institutions that will probably be coming to a close this Fall = although any of my super-wealthy friends could have provided 8 figures from “pocket change,” you NEVER ask a super-wealthy person for a charitable contribution – but only suggest appropriate charitable OPPORTUNITIES and only at appropriate times. Unfortunately, I had introduced Louis to some of my super-wealthy friends when he was taking public the Chinese companies. And when he converted to venture capitalism, he began soliciting my super-wealthy friends OVER MY DEAD BODY for investments!!! Obviously, I had to disown him immediately!!!

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