Second Short Quiz – Organized Crime & Sex Trafficking Per UN


Many of the e-mail campaigns listed in Sec. 1 of this website have been successful.

Although progress on these TWO campaigns does NOT relate to this month’s topic, they occurred LAST WEEK at the 12/19/2019 Presidential Debate.

Re Climate Change, Andrew Yang Championing Our Thorium-Fission Position --

Our Thorium-Fission Working Group has labored long and hard in order to, inter alia, request Presidential Candidates to support the development of thorium-fission as the only way of “Solving Global Warming 100% Without Military Action.” [Details of that effort are available at ... =23&t=1781.]

At the Dec 19 debate, Andrew Yang could not have been more specific and more supportive.

[A transcript of the debate is available at ... ic-debate/. The easiest way to find Andrew Yang’s remarks on thorium fission is to “cut and paste” the transcript into a Microsoft-Word document and then execute “Edit-Find” for “thorium.”]

“REPRISE: Saving The Gov $86 Billion/YEAR – Medicare-For-All” and the Candidates’ Initial Reaction --

Our 7/12/2017 E-mail Campaign was entitled “SAVING THE GOV $300 BILLION/YEAR – MEDICARE FOR ALL” – details available at ... =23&t=1631.

It was aimed at Sen. John McCain a mere 16 days before his iconic “thumb down” vote against “Repealing and Replacing” Obamacare, which caused it to fail by one vote.

The attendees of our 11/13/2019 meeting voted for our 12/11/2019 meeting to focus on updating this E-mail Campaign because of Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s DEFAMATION of Medicare For All by claiming that it would cost the Federal Government $52 TRILLION over 10 years – which is 41% over current Gov and non-Gov healthcare spending of only $3,683 billion/year -- which itself is DOUBLE the amount of only $1,944 billion/year if it were brought into line with the other 35 economically-developed countries in the OECD.

Our revised e-mail (“REPRSE: Saving The Gov $86 Billion/YEAR – Medicare-For-All”) is available at ... =23&t=1869.

[Virtually all of the difference between $300 Billion/YEAR of SAVINGS and $86 Billion/YEAR of SAVINGS is due to the fact that, beginning in 2018, the Corporate Income Tax Rate was reduced from 35% to 21%. Which means that the COST to the government of the 55.1% of the U.S. population that obtains employer-provided health coverage (since it is deductible for the employer BUT non-taxable to the employee) was reduced to only 11.6% of the U.S. population having employer-provided health coverage provided courtesy of lost government tax revenues.]

At last Thursday’s debate, there was no mention of Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s exorbitant estimate.

The main fireworks occurred between Sen. Bernie Sanders on the one hand, and Former V.P. Joe Biden and Sen. Elizabeth Klobuchar, on the other. Which focused primarily on Sanders accusing Biden & Klobuchar of NOT being willing to fight bloated healthcare costs.

Indeed, Sanders actually paraphrased, a bit inaccurately, a point we have been making since 2017 that (quoting Sanders) “we’re spending twice as much per capita on health care as any other nation.”

Presumably by next month’s debate, there will be statements by other candidates about bringing U.S. healthcare costs into line with the other 35 economically-developed countries that are members of the OECD.
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Second Short Quiz – Organized Crime & Sex Trafficking Per UN

Post by johnkarls »

NB: Questions 1-9 focus especially on “Sex Trafficking: Inside The Business Of Modern Slavery” by Harvard Prof. Siddharth Kara which was the focus book for our 9/18/2019 meeting on the United Nations’ 19-Year Campaign Against “Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children” and which was the UN’s “Bible” for producing “Trafficked” – the 2017 movie that played in commercial theaters starring Ashley Judd (2 Golden Globe nominations), Anne Archer (1 Oscar nomination and 2 Golden Globe wins), and Elisabeth Röhm (long-time Assistant D.A. Serena Southerlyn on “Law and Order”).

1. Does the UN report that international trafficking in slaves by organized crime rivals in size organized crime’s illegal-drugs business and its illegal-arms business?

2. Does the UN’s “Bible” on the subject report that there are at least TWICE AS MANY people CURRENTLY TRAPPED in some form of slavery as were traded throughout the 350-plus years of the transatlantic slavery industry?

3. Does the UN itself report that the most frequent form of slavery in North America is sexual exploitation (vs. such things as organ removal, pornography, sham marriages and benefit fraud)?

4. And does the UN report that the source of virtually all international trafficking in human beings is refugee camps because the conditions are so abysmal that the inhabitants are willing to believe the lies of organized crime about “a better life”?

5. Does the UN’s “Bible” on the subject report that the average retail price of a “sex slave” in the U.S. (whom you can also require to clean your home, mow your lawn, work your farm/vineyard, etc., since they are “slaves” in every sense of the word) is only $5,250 – yielding an average profit to the trafficker of $2,400 – because organized crime’s supply of human beings from the refugee camps is so large?

[You can NOT YET order your own personal “sex slave” on – instead, you must still contact your local “sex slave” dealer.]

6. Does the UN’s “Bible” on the subject report that because of the incredibly-large supply of human beings from the refugee camps, the average price of a sex act in North America is only $27.50 (which low price, itself, unleashes an incredibly-large demand for the low-priced sex)? And that the annual revenue per sex slave in North America is $90,648 of which the annual net profit, after deducting costs of only $32,633, is $58,015 (an annual net profit of more than 10 times the initial investment with no other up-front costs such as workforce training)?

[These figures are only for “sex slaves” of brothels, sex clubs, massage parlors, etc. They do NOT, of course, include the “sex slave” of the “pedophile next door.”]

7. Does the UN’s “Bible” report that the “sex slave” of a brothel, etc., performs an average of 3,296 sex acts/year (or 20 sex acts/day for the actual number of days/year the average “sex slave” is able to work) SO SURPRISE, SURPRISE, THE AVERAGE LIFE EXPECTANCY OF A “SEX SLAVE” MEANS DEATH BY AGE 35?

8. Does the UN’s “Bible” report that “sex slaves” do not try to escape because (A) they have no money, (B) they typically do not speak English, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY (C) “OWNERS” INTIMIDATE THEIR “SLAVES” BY PERIODICALLY MURDERING ONE OF THEM AS AN EXAMPLE (TYPICALLY BY SLASHING THEIR THROATS) IN FRONT OF THE OTHERS???!!!

9. Does either the UN or the author of the UN’s “Bible” (Harvard Prof. Siddharth Kara) have any real idea how many “sex slaves” there are in the U.S. -- because the only statistics available relate to criminal convictions of traffickers (between 150 and 200 per year) -- with no idea how many victims there were per convicted trafficker over how many years, much less how many traffickers are NOT detected/convicted?

[NB: It is A MIRACLE that there are any criminal convictions in the U.S. because the U.S. Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (originally enacted 10/18/2000 and renewed periodically ever since) -- (A) provides victims as the only incentive for testifying a T-Visa which is worthless because any illegal-alien can just disappear into the general population anyway, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY (B) BECAUSE THE “OWNERS” HAVE INTIMIDATED THEIR “SLAVES” WITH PERIODIC BRUTAL MURDERS AS EXAMPLES OF WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THEM AND THEIR LOVED ONES BACK IN THE REFUGEE CAMPS IF THEY MISBEHAVE.]

10. According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, were there 70.8 million refugees worldwide as of January 2019 -- of which the number of Palestinian refugees was 5.5 million?

11. Have all of the Palestinian refugee camps been administered since 1950 by the UN’s Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)?

12. Is UNRWA’s “administration” essentially limited to providing schools (58% of its budget), healthcare (15%), relief and social services (19%) -- BUT NOT security or law enforcement?

13. Is the Palestinian refugee-camp population spread among 5 jurisdictions – Gaza (1.4 million or 79% of the total population), The West Bank (775 thousand), Syria (552 thousand), Lebanon (475 thousand) and Jordan (2.2 million or 23% of the total population)?

14. Does UNRWA operate 711 schools with 527 thousand students?

15. Has Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanhayu complained loudly and often about how the Palestinian refugee-camp schools teach anti-Israel propaganda as true history?

16. If his claim is true, is it any wonder that Palestinian hatred of Israel has persisted and, if anything, gotten worse?

17. Did the World Bank report on 10/9/2019 that its most recent data shows 46% of the total population of Gaza as living in poverty (defined as less than $5.50/day)? And that 10% of the West Bank population lives in poverty? Has unemployment been running about 50% in Gaza and 15% in the West Bank?

18. BTW for comparison, did US unemployment peak during The Great Depression at 24.9% in 1933?

19. Is it any wonder that there is such social unrest, particularly in Gaza, with half its population unemployed and living in poverty??? Particularly, if its schools have taught anti-Israel propaganda as true history???

20. Though the UN data on one of organized crime’s largest businesses (the trafficking into slavery of human beings obtained from refugee camps) is NOT broken down between the Palestinian camps and other camps, is it likely that human trafficking by organized crime plagues the Palestinian refugee camps and aggravates the inhabitants’ feelings of impotence and hated?

21. Have we made a good case for a Marshall-type Plan for the Palestinians, particularly with nuclear weapons to permeate the area in a few short years – probably only 6 years as provided by The Iran Nuclear Agreement???

22. BTW, is UNRWA funded almost solely with voluntary contributions (vs. the normal assessments against member countries that fund the regular UN budget)?

23. Prior to 2018, had the U.S. been the largest single donor to UNRWA providing, e.g., $364 million in 2017 or about 30% of UNRWA’s total budget?

24. Did the Trump Administration announce in 2018 that it was terminating its contributions to UNRWA?

25. According to the BBC on 9/1/2018, did the expressed reasons for the termination include (A) the US received “no appreciation or respect” for the contributions it had made over the years, and (B) the alleged unwillingness of the Palestinians to negotiate a peace agreement with Israel?

26. Did the UN, anticipating the death of UNRWA in the wake of the US action, launch an emergency fund-raising campaign which appears to have been at least partially successful?

27. Does the 2018 U.S. cut-off suggest President Trump’s “Art Of The Deal” as applied to international relations -- pursuant to which he seems typically to inflict economic pain while extolling great economic rewards for reaching a deal with him???

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